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Digestive health protocols


There really are not any specific digestive health protocols. For instance digestive enzymes do not work. And 40 years of doing holistic gastroenterology I have never been told by a patient that their problems were healed with a digestive enzyme. Now if you tell me that it has helped you I will believe you I just have not seen it. As a matter of fact it can be counterproductive.

Let me explain. Digestive enzymes are secreted in your stomach to digest food. They are acids if you do not have the proper mucosal lining covering your stomach wall they will eat away at the wall of your stomach and that will cause an ulcer- a hole in the wall of your stomach.

So you are pouring into your gut the opposite of what you need. What you need to do is build up what they are now calling your micro Bom if I was there right. Your stomach acids that you release will travel down your intestines and if anywhere is missing the Vaseline like mucosal lining the acid it will eat a whole day or two and that can be call Ibs

. So the last thing we want to do is to pour more acid into our system. The real protocol or treatment for ulcers or nausea or even chronic vomiting is to do the very basic plan that I have on this website because that not only cures IDS twice in crowns but it also lays down the Veselin-like mucosal lining that protects that stomach in bowel wall. If you don't build that up then you'll always have a problem. This will cause more problems eventually without question as it irritates the tissue you'll develop problems like diarrhea which is more water in the stool to try to wash the acid away and below near mucus in the stool which is called ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. So the next thing we will need to talk about all be the basis for building the mucosal lining with probiotics and colostrum.

The healing of all these conditions can be accomplished by the protocols that I have on this website. Thousands many thousands have been healed by just one of two of the protocols. we do not need both and we all need them temporarily. we have one for IBS colits or crohns disease and we have one for constipation please check them out on this website

2 תגובות

31 באוק׳ 2023

that's unacceptable. you are not in the 2%.. I will fix this. I am going to give this my full personal attn.

We will need to speak on the phone and exchange emails. I am committed to you.

Please call me @ 508-244-1815 10-5 pm 7 days a week.


30 באוק׳ 2023

I'm apparently in the 2% of people who have not found your IBS-Crohns protocol to do what it's purported to do. I SCRUPULOUSLY followed that protocol for a year and a half. Though it did help, it did not HEAL my gut. (I was diagnosed with Crohn's back in the early 1980s.) I still use some of the items from Moss Nutrition that I got through your protocol, with some additional things, including digestive enzymes (proteins, not acids). The one Moss protocol item in particular that was a bust from the start was GI Select powder, which caused cramping and diarrhea every time I used it.

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