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Everything You Think You Know About Your Gastrointestinal Tract Is Wrong

Writer: Dr. Albert SnowDr. Albert Snow
  • You know almost nothing about it because until the second half of the last century, you didn’t need to as it and you used to be self sufficient. That has changed.

  • Nothing has changed in the last 50 years of inflammatory bowel disease treatment.

  • There is no effective medical treatment for any IBD.

  • Yes, they do have new drugs and fancy names for GI surgeries, ‘J-pouch’ for one. They also have new ‘appliances’ as they call them for you to eliminate.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Conditions are manmade injuries, not diseases. There is no valid list of different gastrointestinal ‘diseases.’

  • If I had Colitis or Crohn’s Diverticulitis I would be grateful for what was available and would be the first in line, but I would also be looking for alternatives. I’d also be a real pain in the neck and ask my doctor a lot of questions.

  • Things do evolve and sometimes the effective innovations come from somewhere other than where you are looking.

  • Let’s do our ‘google it test.’ Go find me anything from anywhere, any source of any kind that will tell you that they have proven that inflammatory bowel conditions are any type of auto-immune disease. They don’t exist and they never will. Most of what you will find will state this and that they are working by theory only.

  • There is a new, valid, and effective model for what these conditions are and how to treat them.

  • Your GI tract is just one thing. It is one long muscle stretched into a bunch of different shapes given names such as esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, colon, and rectum. Think of the person at the circus who makes the animals out of balloons.

  • It is made of skin, fat, and muscle just like your bicep or your thigh. Just like these, they can suffer injury.

  • If I cut my finger, can it be healed? What is a finger made of? A colon and a finger are made of the same thing–skin, fat and muscle, and the healing process is the same.

  • There is really just one injury and it starts with penetration of / a cut to the skin of the bowel.

  • Left unchecked this penetration keeps going deeper until it hits nerve tissue and blood vessels. The deeper the penetration the more severe the symptoms.

  • This is commensurate with the length of time one goes without the proper care. If you do not receive the proper care you will never recover. Have you recovered? What kind of care have you received?

  • There is just one inflammatory bowel condition. That condition is irritable bowel syndrome. Everything else – Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Diverticulitis, are nothing other than a more severe version of IBS.

  • This is similar to 1st-2nd-3rd degree burns–the same skin-just more severe manifestations of the same condition.

  • There is only one starting point for you to heal yourself of any of these supposed inflammatory bowel ‘diseases.’

  • Go back to when you 1st started getting the symptoms and figure out what happened just before that. All I did was reverse engineer it.


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